Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Effects of Apartheid on South Africa - 1644 Words
The effects of apartheid have long outlived the days of its existence and there seems to be no sign at this point of South Africa completely moving past it. There is, however, always hope, and solutions are much sought after. In August 2011, former Archbishop Desmond Tutu1 announced his suggestion to rectify the wrongs of the past by implementing laws that require all white citizens to pay a special tax. This would serve as reparation to symbolically account for the benefits that white people as a whole acquired as a result of the apartheid regime. My stance on the matter is that the apartheid laws were rules disadvantaging members of a certain race, and this act which violated human equality and dignity was deeply frowned upon. This suggestion by Desmond Tutu is essentially trying to seek revenge by enforcing rules on the beneficiaries of the past laws that disadvantage them based solely on their race. One instance cannot be described as horrific, while the same thing forced onto a different race is seen as justified. This ideal of reconciliation in South Africa will further be discussed by referring to the views expressed in ‘Transformative Constitutionalism’2 and ‘Transformative Adjudication.’3 The Constitution of South Africa4 will also be explored, with the intent of determining whether the perspective of Archbishop Desmond Tutu is justified. Transformative Constitutionalism Transformative Constitutionalism5 does not have a single definition; it is better describedShow MoreRelatedApartheid in South Africa Essays1245 Words  | 5 Pages The word apartheid comes in two forms, one being the system of racial segregation in South Africa, and the other form is the form that only those who were affected by apartheid can relate to, the deeper, truer, more horrifying, saddening and realistic form. The apartheid era truly began when white South Africans went to the polls to vote. 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